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Awesome! So You’re Interested in Investing in the Most Important Person You Know – and Yes I am Talking About YOU!

I know this journey of creating the life you want is really, really important to you. So before making a decision as crucially important as hiring me as your Life Coach, I want you to feel that I am a great fit for you, so continue reading and ask yourself blatantly


There are a bevy of Life Coaches that all each have different areas of expertiese and individual styles that suit their clients needs.

Below I have outlined my coaching process so that you can understand what you can expect from working with me; and if you read the list and feel a connection to what I bring, then go ahead and book your first clarity session.

-how i help you master creating your best life-


assessing where you are

We are going to assess what you think is good and bad in your life by using a powerful process of getting to the root of how you see yourself really. You are about to get mad clarity on where you are vibrating emotionally and energy-wise and how it has been affecting your reality around: Well-Being, Purpose driven living, Relationships, Self Worth & Prosperity. This will give you relief 😊 and the ability to move into really understanding why you feel stuck in life.  Then we gonna GET UNSTUCK!

Breaking Through the Belief Blocks

We will move mountains through helping you overcome the Belief Blocks you hold.  I will lovingly show you how to get through the process of making peace with your feelings of guilt, shame, pain, and hurtful memories in the past; so that you can allow the version of you that reflects self love , worthiness, and confidence to emerge. Your subconscious story can be rooted in unworthiness, fear of being an imposter, fear of success, fear of disappointing others (hanging on to the need to live out the familial and societal identity you have been in routine of practicing) and any other ideals and routines that just ain’t working. Together we will breakthrough them.

Mindset resetting for success

After learning how to release those Belief Blocks we are going to Reset your Mindset and conversation that you are having with YOU. You are going to create a new story about who you are. During the process you will learn how to be a cooperative partner with the Universe and get the skinny on creation process and how it REALLY works. Then we will get you on track to creating the life you desire by applying simple, yet super effective practices and techniques to shift you into being in alignment with the experiences you want in your life. You are going to be astonished by how working with these laws, and BEING TRUE TO YOURSELF is going to catapult you into experiencing a life that you feel is second to none! Trust me the delightful unfolding is waiting, and you don’t have to wait any longer to experience this gift 🎁 you have inside that is an abundance of joy, fulfilled living, & undeniable worthiness! Let’s create magic Magic Wand in your life! Click below to book your clarity session… it’s on me 😘

  You are ready to fly high and Create Your Magic Wand Magical Life NOW!

From Jae Morenike


I know more than anyone else that life can be difficult, but the difference in knowing that and making diffuclty a nonfactor is key to living fully! And the easiest way that I have discovered through my own life and those who work with me, is through shedding the perception of your unworthiness & start UNAPOLOGETICALLY BEING YOU!

I know personally that it can be so hard moving through the turmoil in life, I remember feeling so much pain from bad relationships, failed businesses & feeling like I was unworthy. I couldn’t feel at all. But I decided one day that I needed to be happy, NO I DESERVE IT! And with the support of my own coaches, focus and understanding how to REALLY create, I AM FREE! No longer stuck!  And my love and goal in all that I do, is to help you heal from the past and start creating a life that is deserving of your recognition because YOU DESERVE YOUR BEST LIFE TOO!

After moving through my own depression and feelings of unworthiness my life has turned to a portrait of sheer amazingness! I LOVE MY LIFE and all that it has become and has yet to become here in my experience!  When I decided to start showing up for me and Being Me, I felt and saw my life shift LITERALLY, from the inside and my life started looking beautiful on the outside.

So I say to you my friend, NOW IS YOUR TIME!  I can help you to start showing up for yourself fully now.  But you have to be ready to take the next step towards freedom in your life.  Be your own SHero or Hero by booking your coaching session with me today. And your clarity session… it’s on me 😘